FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for February 25, 2011
Peter: Buck up, Jasolyn. Sure, your friends will likely loathe and detest you now that you've turned into a girl. But you have to remember, things could be even worse. Jason: How's that? Peter: Imagine if they didn't. Jason: I don't follow... Marcus: I picked these for you, gorgeous.
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ almost 14 years ago
This has to be a nightmare…
lewisbower almost 14 years ago
DARKEFORCE You shouldn’t have said that about the other gender. It’s true, but you shouldn’t have said it.
Dkram almost 14 years ago
If this don’t wake him up nothing will.
legaleagle48 almost 14 years ago
Oh, he’ll wake up screaming, all right – especially if Marcus tries to kiss him!
yohannbiimu almost 14 years ago
Somehow, this is beginning to look and sound a little bit like a Japanese comic called “Ranma 1/2.” (Look it up)
dflak almost 14 years ago
At that age, a haircut and boy’s clothing and who would know the difference?
Of course it’s a dream, but it is interesting on how very accepting the rest of the family is to the change.
Destiny23 almost 14 years ago
Boy’s clothes won’t work if (s)he actually needs that training bra Mom was getting!
DerkinsVanPelt218 almost 14 years ago
I am expecting a zoom-out to see Jasolyn wearing a rather noticeable skirt.
calvin.hobbes almost 5 years ago
he probley subconciusly likes Marcus in real life. thats why hes dreaming it