It has been said that truly bad things only happened to one truly good person, and he volunteered. There was more to it than just the Cross, you know.
I don’t see evidence that God actually gets bored. Annoyed with the same old excuses, yes. But bored? I agree with Chesterton: God is more like a child than that: he never gets tired of doing the same thing over and over. The wonder is always new for him, but we turned into geezers long ago.
Jim over 5 years ago
I would think The Almighty would be a games maker, than player.
andyboda over 5 years ago
Remember, when He created everything it was only a six day job.
Ida No over 5 years ago
Bad things happen to good people because they can.
StephenRice over 5 years ago
It has been said that truly bad things only happened to one truly good person, and he volunteered. There was more to it than just the Cross, you know.
I don’t see evidence that God actually gets bored. Annoyed with the same old excuses, yes. But bored? I agree with Chesterton: God is more like a child than that: he never gets tired of doing the same thing over and over. The wonder is always new for him, but we turned into geezers long ago.
Incidentally: “millenia”? Really?
jless over 5 years ago
I’m appalled by the lack of respect for God by commenters here. Go play Minecraft and Sims no more!
Stephen Gilberg over 5 years ago
Funnily enough, I’d feel weird about praying to God while in a state of undress. He sees all, but I’d rather not draw his attention at that moment.