back in the 1980’s Jesse Jackson spoke at my college. except for his anti drug message no one remembered ANYTHING he said. I realized it as we were walking out. people were saying’ what a great speaker’ I said “Uh what did he talk about?” and suddenly there were blank stares as people realized he’d just rambled on for an hour or so.
How embarrassing for the global warmers and climate change conspirators. Glaciers keep growing they are supposed to be melting so that they can get more money.
Superfrog over 5 years ago
Does that word salad come with dressing?
wiatr over 5 years ago
“Coherence” and “government” are usually at odds.
littlejohn Premium Member over 5 years ago
The E.P.A. should be able to give him a fine for producing useless HOT-AIR and contributing to Global Warming.
kc2idv over 5 years ago
wouldn’t that be ALL politician’s?
Wizard of Ahz-no relation over 5 years ago
back in the 1980’s Jesse Jackson spoke at my college. except for his anti drug message no one remembered ANYTHING he said. I realized it as we were walking out. people were saying’ what a great speaker’ I said “Uh what did he talk about?” and suddenly there were blank stares as people realized he’d just rambled on for an hour or so.
e.groves over 5 years ago
And your point is?
cgale42 over 5 years ago
Then that matches 535 members of Congress and the remaining elected officials in DC.
Linguist over 5 years ago
Sarah Sanders in disguise.
DCBakerEsq over 5 years ago
I bill by the hour for the same thing.
Bookworm over 5 years ago
For this I spent $$$$ on hearing aides?
carlzr over 5 years ago
President Eisenhower was famous for doing this.
JP Steve Premium Member over 5 years ago
In the words of GWB: “Mission accomplished!”
Printer over 5 years ago
How embarrassing for the global warmers and climate change conspirators. Glaciers keep growing they are supposed to be melting so that they can get more money.