Pluggers by Rick McKee for June 12, 2019

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    Zykoic  over 5 years ago

    Plugger facebook is a faded, dusty book of scotch taped baby pictures of your grown grandkids that rarely visit.

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 5 years ago

    That there young plugger can hardly wait for summer vacation.

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    Farside99  over 5 years ago

    True. History, although often fascinating, can often be presented in a boring manner. However, ignoring it means that you have to repeat it, possibly just in school, but for sure in real life.

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    Breadboard  over 5 years ago

    Might of done that once or twice ……….. More often with long winded preachers !

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    Homerville Premium Member over 5 years ago

    I like this one. Could happen when he opens any book.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member over 5 years ago

    And.. if you leave an imprint of a book on your face.. you get extra likes.

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    anomalous4  over 5 years ago

    That was me in English class. I’ve been reading since I was about 2-1/2 & never go anywhere without a book, but the stuff they made us read in school always bored me to death. I could never see the point of the “classics” – they’ve always seemed so overwritten & stuffy. Give me a good piece of sci-fi any day!

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    Jeffin Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Bookface. And hathair.

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    whelan_jj  over 5 years ago

    Was there any history back when pluggers were in 5th grade?

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