Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for August 04, 2019

  1. F7406ae9 75d5 44a9 bf69 5cc72e7645b6
    iEjene™  over 5 years ago

    How many times has Nate been hit in the head in baseball?

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    retrocool  over 5 years ago

    team work

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    Nierro  over 5 years ago

    Not Ready for Teddy

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    oakie817  over 5 years ago

    that’s using your head

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  5. Neptune
    Neptune_Ninja_Comics ✔️  over 5 years ago

    Oww, in real life that would really hurt.

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    PinkYoshiFan  over 5 years ago

    That’s just unfair, Teddy.

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    Miles morales  over 5 years ago

    im surprised Nate hasent flipped out yet

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    dom cos  over 5 years ago

    Teddy is almost as good as sakura, the champion of wii spors baseball.

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    peabodyboy  over 5 years ago

    Yo la tengo.

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    Artistic Misfit  over 5 years ago

    I know this might be random because I don’t follow Big Nate anymore. I just decided to stop by after having it on my mind recently. Anyways here’s my hot take on Big Nate: The whole IQ storyline from 2016 ruined Nate’s character. Here’s why. The whole lazy genius thing has been done over and over again. It’s a cliche, especially in comic strip. I used to think Nate’s character was the opposite of that cliche. What would’ve made him unique was if the reason he talks so highly of himself was to convince himself that HE is great. The reason he has a thing against smarter kids like Gina, Ellen, and Francis was because deep down, he wish could be like them. He wish he could get good grades. He wish he was smart. But he just wasn’t. The reason Nate wouldn’t try on his classwork was because he didn’t believe in his own ability to do so. I remember an older comic where Nate said something like “Why would someone spend so much time with someone that they don’t like.” Then Francis and Teddy left him by himself. So I thought that his effort to hide his low self esteem was actually turning people away from him. I feel like this would’ve made Nate more special (and relatable) was if this theory was a reality. Not that he isn’t already special, because that spiky haired kid is still a great memory of my childhood. At the end of the day though, it’s Mr.Pierce’s character. Not mine. So he could do whatever he want with HIS character. But I just wish he had different choices for the character that would’ve been less cliche than the “lazy genius”. Any thoughts?

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    Stonkss  over 5 years ago

    Brain cancer: allow me to introduce myself

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    Hope_ur_having_a_great_day!  over 5 years ago

    Btw bignate I love your comics, and have read every book!

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    Pickles the Cat   over 5 years ago

    I feel like this has happened before.

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  14. Thanos
    Thanos  over 5 years ago

    the ball went for the head..

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    DapoAdeya  almost 4 years ago

    i think your right they should at least make some changes to the book.

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    MJ J  over 2 years ago

    Man, teddy is not being a good teammate by trying to take a ball that was completely headed for Nate.

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