In truth, regressives these days care not a whit about Iowa. They are fixated on their psychopathic malignant narcissist and couldn’t care less about the Iowa caucuses. They are rallying around their miscreant like flies on a cow patty. There are no brave regressives, so tiny won’t have any challengers.
@twclix & @dlaemmerhirt999 — Wake up! You are setting yourselves up for another 2016! The surest way to fail is to sell yourselves the fantasy that you have already won, as we “sensible people” did in 2016.
pschearer Premium Member over 5 years ago
Ouch, that hurt! But so true.
RobinHood over 5 years ago
Iowa is great while you are there, be sure and check out the Field Of Dreams field, and Riverside Iowa, thr future birthplace of James Tiberius Kirk.
twclix over 5 years ago
In truth, regressives these days care not a whit about Iowa. They are fixated on their psychopathic malignant narcissist and couldn’t care less about the Iowa caucuses. They are rallying around their miscreant like flies on a cow patty. There are no brave regressives, so tiny won’t have any challengers.
The Democrats on the other hand are rarin’ to go.
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe over 5 years ago
Look at the UK, its not going to take that long to determine a new leader. Shame it looks like he has the same barber as yours does
Nellie Rascal over 5 years ago
I hate it when PREMIUM MEMBERS” use words they don’t know the meaning of……… truth.
MichaelSkaggs over 5 years ago
The first Democrat candidates debate……..Oh, joy.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 5 years ago
Best to watch first then criticize.
john over 5 years ago
@twclix & @dlaemmerhirt999 — Wake up! You are setting yourselves up for another 2016! The surest way to fail is to sell yourselves the fantasy that you have already won, as we “sensible people” did in 2016.