All I know is white sport coats go with pink crustaceans.
Reminds me of this: “When (person you want to insult) heard that 17 Brazilian people died in an accident, he/she said ‘That is terrible news! How many is a Brazilian?’”
Hail to Crustacia! Land of the Shrimp and Clam!(Sung with cigar raised like in a salute.)
Crustacia surrenders whenever they face confrontation….
they’re just spineless
Gunther seems crabby today…!
Crustacia is a small state neighboring on Froglandia, which I had just left to come here….
March 02, 2018
July 22, 2017
July 27, 2017
Otto Knowbetter over 5 years ago
All I know is white sport coats go with pink crustaceans.
enigmamz over 5 years ago
Reminds me of this: “When (person you want to insult) heard that 17 Brazilian people died in an accident, he/she said ‘That is terrible news! How many is a Brazilian?’”
Casey Jones over 5 years ago
Hail to Crustacia! Land of the Shrimp and Clam!(Sung with cigar raised like in a salute.)
Nighthawks Premium Member over 5 years ago
Crustacia surrenders whenever they face confrontation….
they’re just spineless
InTraining Premium Member over 5 years ago
Gunther seems crabby today…!
Sisyphos over 5 years ago
Crustacia is a small state neighboring on Froglandia, which I had just left to come here….