Haven’t you heard, Wilberforce? “When the ice cream truck plays music, it’s means it’s all out of ice cream.” One person was told “That’s not an ice cream truck, that’s a music truck.”
Got to wonder if those poor souls that drive those trucks last for more than one season.. Listening to that “music” for the duration of the time it takes to pass my house is enough to drive me batty.
i_am_the_jam over 5 years ago
Haven’t you heard, Wilberforce? “When the ice cream truck plays music, it’s means it’s all out of ice cream.” One person was told “That’s not an ice cream truck, that’s a music truck.”
John M over 5 years ago
In USA probably the The Entertainer, UK Greensleeves – see http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20160728-the-ice-cream-truck-jingles-summer-spell
bxclent Premium Member over 5 years ago
in our neighborhood it is Frank Mills Music box dancer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwa0c8VO71s
walstib Premium Member over 5 years ago
Somewhere in an insane asylum there’s a poor former ice cream truck driver afflicted with a perpetual ear worm of “The Entertainer” in his head.
MeGoNow Premium Member over 5 years ago
Ours was Turkey in the Straw, also known as Do Your Ears Hang low. Something else was often substituted for “Ears.”
flemmingo over 5 years ago
Good Humor truck was white and open . He just rang bells! Toasted almond was my favorite and I guess still is if they still make them.
Alberta Oil over 5 years ago
Got to wonder if those poor souls that drive those trucks last for more than one season.. Listening to that “music” for the duration of the time it takes to pass my house is enough to drive me batty.
cuzinron47 over 5 years ago
I heard an ice cream truck here playing Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, in May.
Sailor46 USN 65-95 over 5 years ago
stauffr over 5 years ago
It Stephen Wright’s neighborhood it plays “Helter Skelter”.