Well Horace has discovered his Houyhnhnm power to create life-like thought-forms, in Tibet that word is “tulpa”. It is an ability that can be taught. However, be wary for after a period of time your tulpa can develop an intelligence and personality of their own. And it isn’t benevolent. That is when the creator of the tulpa must have their tulpa uncreated or else it will run amok.
sallyseckman over 5 years ago
Shirley Temple?
Zebrastripes over 5 years ago
Poor Shirley!
Babs Maloney Premium Member over 5 years ago
Surely you jest!
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe over 5 years ago
Surely you can’t be serious,”
“I am serious — and don’t call me Shirley
Ermine Notyours over 5 years ago
Horace must have been drinking some Shirley Temples to have these hallucinations.
jless over 5 years ago
Is this a rejected “Frog Applause” strip?
codedaddy over 5 years ago
Shirley you can wake me…
Impkins Premium Member over 5 years ago
My body is a temple too. Temple of DOOM! :)
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 5 years ago
Well Horace has discovered his Houyhnhnm power to create life-like thought-forms, in Tibet that word is “tulpa”. It is an ability that can be taught. However, be wary for after a period of time your tulpa can develop an intelligence and personality of their own. And it isn’t benevolent. That is when the creator of the tulpa must have their tulpa uncreated or else it will run amok.
CYGNUS X1 over 5 years ago
It could have been the drink the Shirley Temple. Now that would have been a strange mushroom level event.
BlueFin Premium Member over 5 years ago
There’s a Templar living in the temple. Simon Templar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oc-8991Q9jA
tudza Premium Member over 5 years ago
and don’t call me Shirley.
Egrayjames over 5 years ago
I guess that’s one way to get in touch with your feminine side Horace.
Tigressy over 5 years ago
♫♪ I’m puttin’ on my top head
Tyin’ up my white tie
Brushin’ off my tail ♫♪