One time coming down from a mountain, the sides were so steep and the leaves so wet, I sat down and scooted down the hill. When I got home, I pulled out my wallet and a salamander fell out of it. He was alive but missing his tale. I turned him loose in the mulch of my garden.
Let me guess; did “THEY” decide that coffee is bad again? How about SUGAR? MILK? EGGS? ALCOHOL? RED MEAT? Make up my mind! Unless told otherwise, anything in moderation is tolerated by the normal person.
Leroy over 5 years ago
And all this time the guy thought that naggy commercial was on the TV.
Templo S.U.D. over 5 years ago
I can hardly imagine a blue whale eating that jellyfish like a spaghetti dinner.
Gent over 5 years ago
Ah yes, reminds me of The Lion’s Mane adventure of Sherlock Holmes.
J Short over 5 years ago
One time coming down from a mountain, the sides were so steep and the leaves so wet, I sat down and scooted down the hill. When I got home, I pulled out my wallet and a salamander fell out of it. He was alive but missing his tale. I turned him loose in the mulch of my garden.
zerotvus over 5 years ago
i have to drink my part of 2.25 billion…..
Thorby over 5 years ago
Radish... over 5 years ago
Why is there a scull on the coffee cup?
Huckleberry Hiroshima over 5 years ago
Bean grinder here. French press. Makes me drink less over time because it’s a hassle. Good when I get to it, though.
Spock over 5 years ago
And how many different cups are used, and how often is a cup used on average before it goes to the dish washer?
sonnygreen over 5 years ago
Let me guess; did “THEY” decide that coffee is bad again? How about SUGAR? MILK? EGGS? ALCOHOL? RED MEAT? Make up my mind! Unless told otherwise, anything in moderation is tolerated by the normal person.
Dean over 5 years ago
Who is overserving alcohol to all of those coffee cups?
TMR over 5 years ago
“Almost 2.25 billion cups of coffee are drunk every day!” So how many cups are sober?
jvn over 5 years ago
They found the lizard after the patient complained of hearing Geico constantly.
GumbyDammit223 over 5 years ago
And then there was the recent story of a doctor removing a tick from a man’s eye…Um, ewww!
Durak Premium Member over 5 years ago
Think about how bad it must have been, even 100 years ago, the things living in and living on people. Yike.