Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for February 14, 2021
restaurant closings the following establishments have been closed for health code violations. moe's fresh fruit stand - produce badly damaged in collision during zany high-speed car chase starring jackie chan. o'bleary's 5723 irish pub o'bleary's irish pub - featured band keeps playing that damn unicorn song. futurismo futurismo cyber cafe - soylent green found to contain tofu, not people. p.j. piehole's family place kid: aagh p.j. piehole's family place - meat & vegetable courses offered on children's menu allowed to touch each other. filibuster inn of capitol hill filibuster inn of capitol hill - new "dubya special" (p.b. & j. on wonder bread) strickens over 20 diners with peanut allergies. starbucks coffee starbucks coffee starbucks inside another starbucks - broke law of physics stating that two objects cannot occupy the same space simultaneously.
Wilde Bill almost 4 years ago
Once again, P.J. Piehole’s makes the list.
Thomas R. Williams almost 4 years ago
Time to raze the Filibuster Inn.
DCBakerEsq almost 4 years ago
The Irish Rovers and food just don’t mix.
Kip W almost 4 years ago
A strickening tragedy.
Sisyphos almost 4 years ago
Ugh! Tofu. Ptooie! I want genuine people-Soylent Green!
Joliet Jake almost 4 years ago
The last one reminds me of an old Onion article: “New Starbucks Opens In Rest Room Of Existing Starbucks.”