Please don’t take it back, Coach! This is one of Nate’s only chances of winning a real award. Here’s another:
Reminds me of the time my son won the perfect attendance award at school and the next day he had to miss school due to illness. We all got a chuckle out of that. Of course, that meant he wasn’t able to collect that same award for the next quarter since he missed that day.
iEjene™ over 5 years ago
I’d be just as angry if someone ate my garlic bread. That stuff is so good lol
MintCrepe over 5 years ago
Something tells me that coach calhoun forgot the “worst” at the start of the award
ND Cool Z over 5 years ago
Please don’t take it back, Coach! This is one of Nate’s only chances of winning a real award. Here’s another:
jpayne4040 over 5 years ago
That’s just like Nate to talk himself out of an award!
Jeff0811 over 5 years ago
Why take it back? Nate’s showing plenty of spirit. More so than any of the other clowns up there.
Pickles the Cat over 5 years ago
I love garlic bread! I thought he would’ve told chad not to eat it though…
Tkdgator over 5 years ago
Is that because there was nothing else the coach could come up with for Nate based on his performance as a player?
Clarence over 5 years ago
Well today’s the last day of summer (weekends DONT count)
Swayamplays over 5 years ago
NETFLIX AND POPTARTS over 5 years ago
Ehi10 over 5 years ago
Does team spirit mean doing pre game prayers
BiggerNate91 over 5 years ago
I don’t think that’s how that works, Coach.
Penguin!! over 5 years ago
the “Team Spirit” award seems like a participation trophy…
spyroclub1 over 5 years ago
What kind of trophy is that? Is that a teacup?
ive come to steal your pickles spongebob over 5 years ago
Yes! Big Nate comics redemption?!
Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member over 5 years ago
Reminds me of the time my son won the perfect attendance award at school and the next day he had to miss school due to illness. We all got a chuckle out of that. Of course, that meant he wasn’t able to collect that same award for the next quarter since he missed that day.
Stonkss over 5 years ago
No one:
Nate:gArLiC bReAD
Jim Kerner over 5 years ago
No doubt about it. Take it back!
Neptune_Ninja_Comics ✔️ over 5 years ago
#feel the same way Nate
Clarence over 5 years ago
Apparently I’m NOT leaving Gocomics I’m still staying so bye guys see you tomorrow
PinkYoshiFan over 5 years ago
You’ve said more than a few words now Nate
JotaroKujo over 4 years ago
If someone ate my garlic bread, I would beat them down just like I beat down DIO.
hockey man almost 4 years ago
do it
LesbianCat75(Happy Pride Month) over 3 years ago
Mr Pumpkin (Comic Reviewer) almost 3 years ago
BigGuyNate almost 3 years ago
Team SPIRIT, not Team PLAYER