Of course, the Mythbusters proved that, at least in reality, the expression doesn’t hold up. If memory serves, they went to a lot of trouble to build safe shelves that wouldn’t harm the bull, only to have the bull completely avoid so much as touching a single shelf…
DennisinSeattle over 5 years ago
Ponch and the Bull in the China Shop find common ground. Poor bull was just looking for a fine china gift for his favorite cow, Flossie.
LupisLight over 5 years ago
Of course, the Mythbusters proved that, at least in reality, the expression doesn’t hold up. If memory serves, they went to a lot of trouble to build safe shelves that wouldn’t harm the bull, only to have the bull completely avoid so much as touching a single shelf…
Breadboard over 5 years ago
Poncho spoke the truth … for once ;-)
cdnalor over 5 years ago
With all the cats at Poncho’s place, I doubt there’s any object still sitting on a tabletop.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Empathy in Poncho? Who is this and where did he get Ponchos mask?
rugeirn over 5 years ago
Who has a four-inch-high coffee table?
SusieB over 5 years ago
Poncho is actually giving good advice
Snoots over 5 years ago
The last bull I saw in a china shop was the prices…