Squirrels liked to torment my squirrel chasing dog until one day we found a short-tailed squirrel in our oak tree and a piece of squirrel tail by the dog house.
I guess Earl never had to put up with a squirrel coming down a tree trunk to a point just beyond his reach & taunting him with a load of squirrel gibberish. That’s what they always did to my former inlaws’ dachshund, & it drove her cuckoo.
over 5 years ago
Those pesky squirrels can’t be trusted.
stairsteppublishing over 5 years ago
The only good squirrel is fried and served with biscuits and gravy.
ptnjbrown over 5 years ago
So, Mittens, squirrels make you feel…. Squirrelly?!? (Sorry, I couldn’t resist)
PoodleGroomer over 5 years ago
Squirrels liked to torment my squirrel chasing dog until one day we found a short-tailed squirrel in our oak tree and a piece of squirrel tail by the dog house.
Hedgehog over 5 years ago
When did Earl start texting? They must be on a family plan and Earl is family – much to Mitty’s dismay….
anomalous4 over 5 years ago
I guess Earl never had to put up with a squirrel coming down a tree trunk to a point just beyond his reach & taunting him with a load of squirrel gibberish. That’s what they always did to my former inlaws’ dachshund, & it drove her cuckoo.
mountaingreenery. over 5 years ago
It’s fun to see Mittens text with other members of his posse, and it gives Angie a break from his shenanigans. :D