Most of us are hoping RBG hangs around until January, 2021 after which she retires and focuses on her health.
What? After Trump’s second inauguration?Why wait? She should retire now.
Understand the idea, but dislike the dialogue. GO RBG!
Strom Thurmond would have been a better choice for hanging on a long-long time, but likely he’s been dead too long to be remembered.
Keith Knight
February 13, 2017
sergioandrade Premium Member over 5 years ago
Most of us are hoping RBG hangs around until January, 2021 after which she retires and focuses on her health.
AlanM over 5 years ago
What? After Trump’s second inauguration?Why wait? She should retire now.
edward thomas Premium Member over 5 years ago
Understand the idea, but dislike the dialogue. GO RBG!
Laurie Sefton Premium Member over 5 years ago
Strom Thurmond would have been a better choice for hanging on a long-long time, but likely he’s been dead too long to be remembered.