Good example of why parents have to be careful about what they discuss when young children are close by.Red is assuming reverse psychology will also work on the weather….he has misconstrued what his parents discussed…and it appears to have made him feel threatened….
kfccanada over 5 years ago
Good example of why parents have to be careful about what they discuss when young children are close by.Red is assuming reverse psychology will also work on the weather….he has misconstrued what his parents discussed…and it appears to have made him feel threatened….
Catfeet Premium Member over 5 years ago
Aa long as Red gets to play with Rover, who cares if it rains or shines?
over 5 years ago
Makes perfect sense to me.
jpayne4040 over 5 years ago
It’ll work until the weather finds out what it is you really want!
Zebrastripes over 5 years ago
When you think you’re alone, you’re NOT!
mymontana over 5 years ago
Hmmmm – just get outside, Red…and play with Rover
flemmingo over 5 years ago
I can make it rain or snow without saying a word. Just wash my car and truck!
WCraft Premium Member over 5 years ago
My Lab couldn’t care less if it was raining.
sarahbowl1 Premium Member over 5 years ago
That isn’t working on your brother, is it Red?
whenlifewassimpler over 5 years ago
Red as a psychology major I am sorry to say for rain it won’t work. HUGS….my sweetie.