Oh how sad! One by one, species are disappearing from Earth…
If we made a list of extinct species that we destroyed in the guise of helping them, we would lose an amazon forest using the trees to make paper.
So many disappearing and we may only see a few out of the gross being wiped out along with their habitats. So many we are not even aware of die out every year if not every month.
Zebrastripes over 4 years ago
Oh how sad! One by one, species are disappearing from Earth…
Old Man River over 4 years ago
If we made a list of extinct species that we destroyed in the guise of helping them, we would lose an amazon forest using the trees to make paper.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 4 years ago
So many disappearing and we may only see a few out of the gross being wiped out along with their habitats. So many we are not even aware of die out every year if not every month.