I’m glad he has a helmet, but I think he is in for a bad case of stair rash. That band will likely pitch him nose first. His poor dog does not know how to stop him.
You folks have more faith in Artie’s grasp of physics than I do. I can’t see releasing both legs at the same time; I think he’ll be wrapped around one of those porch posts.
oldpine52 over 4 years ago
Artie is about to have blemishes on several of his surfaces.
Farside99 over 4 years ago
Artie sees himself as the Evel Knievel of Ballard Street.
mr_sherman Premium Member over 4 years ago
Bite ’m!
Jesy Bertz Premium Member over 4 years ago
At the last moment, he chickens out. Yes, Artie chokes.
DennisinSeattle over 4 years ago
I’m glad he has a helmet, but I think he is in for a bad case of stair rash. That band will likely pitch him nose first. His poor dog does not know how to stop him.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 4 years ago
I’ll bet the neighborhood kids love Artie.
GROG Premium Member over 4 years ago
He’s going to be a limp lump of flesh on the surface of the front lawn.
LastRoseOfSummer 1 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Remember when Mike Holmes came to Ballard to do porch repairs? Artie has him on speed dial.
Zebrastripes over 4 years ago
…and he flies through the air, with the greatest of ease, the Artie of fools, lands right up a tree…..splat
P51Strega over 4 years ago
You folks have more faith in Artie’s grasp of physics than I do. I can’t see releasing both legs at the same time; I think he’ll be wrapped around one of those porch posts.
J Short over 4 years ago
So, what is that sling made of, Mildred’s pantyhose?
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 4 years ago
Restraint is a rare commodity on Ballard Street.
Alberta Oil Premium Member over 4 years ago
If his timing is right.. he hopes to intercept that new good looking neighbor that goes for her walk about now.
Space Man Spiff over 4 years ago
Is that Scooter? I love Scooter!!!!
ChessPirate over 4 years ago
“The best laid plans of mice and Artie oft gang agley…”
marilynnbyerly over 4 years ago
At his age with brittle bones, he should know better.
Willi Nilli over 4 years ago
That is one pitiful looking dog!!