FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for October 17, 2019

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  about 5 years ago

    not unless, Roger, the kids got themselves up and went to school before you yourself got up and went to work

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  2. Man with x ray glasses
    The Reader Premium Member about 5 years ago

    What’s this air horn doing by the notepad?

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  3. Mc avatar
    flyertom  about 5 years ago

    On those days when I had reveille duty, a water pistol was most effective.

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  4. Dobbydh
    rebroxanna  about 5 years ago

    Maybe the kids not having a competent parent to supervise them for a couple of days might be good for them in the long run.

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  5. Ktf 2 12 2023 1
    Wren Fahel  about 5 years ago

    Recently, my 16-year-old daughter had slept through her alarm for a few days in a row. I told her, “You’ve either got to go to bed earlier, or figure out a better way to get YOURSELF up.” She knew I meant it; she hasn’t slept through the alarm since. (I laid down the law early that I am NOT the girls’ servant; when the oldest was in kindergarten she asked me to carry her backpack for her. My answer: “I’m not your pack mule.”)

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  6. Dvincent
    dv1093  about 5 years ago

    Yeah, this hits too close to home for me – this is my house. Thank goodness for mom.

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  7. 75mssne
    tygrkhat40  about 5 years ago

    OK, Peter and Paige wanting to skip school, that I get. But Jason?

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  8. Mbsils
    marilynnbyerly  about 5 years ago

    My tone deaf dad singing “You are My Sunshine” at the top of his lungs. That was scary. Evil, too, since I’m one of those people who will wake up completely the moment someone enters the room.

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  9. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  about 5 years ago

    I don’t watch “Fresh Off the Boat”, but I accidentally saw a bit of one show once. Mom got her son up by holding his nose closed… ☺

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  10. Bits2
    Diat60  about 5 years ago

    Well, this is off to a good start.

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  11. John w kennedy 2010 square
    John W Kennedy Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Bluebottle: “What time is it, Eccles?” Eccles: “Uhh…. Just a minute. I-uh-got it writted down on this piece of paper.”—“The Goon Show: The Leather Omnibus”

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