Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for November 13, 2024
from the tip top secretive dossiers of S.P.E.A.R. subject: Hamhock first appearance: 12-15-05 aliases: power pig (ref: 10-23-06). bacon face. (ref: 10-17-07). affiliations:-mascot for "squam," squirrel-based lunch meat (ref: 2-13-06). history: Raised on a farm and knowing he was going to be sold as food, he took control of his destiny and decided to get paid to be sold as food. talents: Can be eaten for entertainment purposes and resume form afterword. able to eat own weight in gummi bears. drink of choice: Long island iced tea.
Znox11 about 1 month ago
Perpetual Pork!
Blackangus about 1 month ago
And one of my favorite drinks, mixed properly anyway lol.
Skeptical Meg about 1 month ago
That’s the fourth Hamhock-centric comic in a row. I thought I was reading “Oink Pen.”