Locally the TV weather wants to tell you what to expect “in your back yard”. It really bugs me for some reason, other than being DUMB. Why would your backyard be any different than your front yard(weather-wise) Will people in a apartments have no weather?
Leojim over 3 years ago
You know you’re having a bad day when it rains in your living room.
Comics fan Premium Member over 3 years ago
My name is Doug Wackerman almost every day.
mistercatworks over 3 years ago
This is why I never sign up for personalized weather apps.
julie.mason1 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Joe Btfsplk’s grandson.
christelisbetty over 3 years ago
Locally the TV weather wants to tell you what to expect “in your back yard”. It really bugs me for some reason, other than being DUMB. Why would your backyard be any different than your front yard(weather-wise) Will people in a apartments have no weather?
rhpii over 3 years ago
No weatherman is THAT accurate.