The Knight Life by Keith Knight for February 23, 2021
February 22, 2021
February 24, 2021
Jr: The new cigarette law bans advertising that might attract minors to smoking.
That means no more Joe cable ads painted on my bedroom ceiling!!
Dexter: Sigh Looks like the rents gonna get raised!!
We’re going through that right now in CT— all the convenience stores have hand-written or self-printed signs advocating against banning flavored cigs/vapors, including menthol. My mom smoked regular cigs but sucked on a menthol cough drop at the same time. We had a deal with the local store to buy the drops by the case.
steverinoCT almost 4 years ago
We’re going through that right now in CT— all the convenience stores have hand-written or self-printed signs advocating against banning flavored cigs/vapors, including menthol. My mom smoked regular cigs but sucked on a menthol cough drop at the same time. We had a deal with the local store to buy the drops by the case.
Nyckname almost 4 years ago
Selling ad space in the kid’s room is low.
dougsathome almost 4 years ago
They’re taking away our freedom to help kids get cancer!