Fortunately, no one tried to change my hand orientation. However, as a kid, I wondered why the side of my left hand was always black, after doing writing assignments.
Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe, Babe Ruth, Harry Truman, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Sir Paul McCartney and Sir Ringo Starr, Angelina Jolie, Annie Lennox, Ben Stiller, Bill Gates, Diane Keaton, Emma Thompson, Hugh Jackman, Jay Leno, Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy Renner, Jerry Seinfeld, Jimi Hendrix, John McEnroe, Judy Garland, Julia Roberts, Leonardo DaVinci, Michaelangelo, Mark Hamill, Martin Freeman, Matt Groening, Morgan Freeman, Nicole Kidman, Nikola Tesla, The next two kings of England assuming no mishaps, Oprah, Rebel Wilson, Dennis and Randy Quaid, Sarah Jessica Parker and her spouse, Matthew Broderick, Scar Jo, Tina Fey “Liz Lemon is a LEFTY”, Whoopi Goldberg, Casey Stengel, Sandy Koufax, Steve Young. And yours truly and his twin daughters. They might get their red hair from their mum, but this is one of my superpowers I passed on to them.
PoodleGroomer over 2 years ago
I was a leftie until my kindergarten teacher corrected me.
ajr58(1) over 2 years ago
Fortunately, no one tried to change my hand orientation. However, as a kid, I wondered why the side of my left hand was always black, after doing writing assignments.
rodney over 2 years ago
But he could become a specialty pitcher in MLB and be your retirement
RWill over 2 years ago
Don’t laugh; this is not crazy given the current climate.
Teto85 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe, Babe Ruth, Harry Truman, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Sir Paul McCartney and Sir Ringo Starr, Angelina Jolie, Annie Lennox, Ben Stiller, Bill Gates, Diane Keaton, Emma Thompson, Hugh Jackman, Jay Leno, Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy Renner, Jerry Seinfeld, Jimi Hendrix, John McEnroe, Judy Garland, Julia Roberts, Leonardo DaVinci, Michaelangelo, Mark Hamill, Martin Freeman, Matt Groening, Morgan Freeman, Nicole Kidman, Nikola Tesla, The next two kings of England assuming no mishaps, Oprah, Rebel Wilson, Dennis and Randy Quaid, Sarah Jessica Parker and her spouse, Matthew Broderick, Scar Jo, Tina Fey “Liz Lemon is a LEFTY”, Whoopi Goldberg, Casey Stengel, Sandy Koufax, Steve Young. And yours truly and his twin daughters. They might get their red hair from their mum, but this is one of my superpowers I passed on to them.
Ren Rodee over 2 years ago
Dory Previn “Left Hand Lost”