The Knight Life by Keith Knight for December 20, 2024
According to this informal survey , you are the least favorite character of your own comic strip!! KK: Me? How can that be? Im the audiences "IN: to the strip!! Like seinfled was on his show!! Did you just comapre your slef to jerry seinfeld? what? NO!! I mean kidn of... Those surveyed said you wre unfunny and egotistical but not delusional!! KK: yadda yadda
Teto85 Premium Member about 11 hours ago
Unfunny and egotistical. Seinfeld alright.
TwilightFaze about 9 hours ago
Who did they survey? The WASPs? Keith is hilarious!
Skeptical Meg about 1 hour ago
After seeing his wife in yesterday’s strip, I’m guessing who the guy readers voted #1.
moondog42 Premium Member 31 minutes ago
But we know that Keith married an age-appropriate woman instead of luring a high school girl away from her family. So there’s at least ONE difference between them