Peanuts by Charles Schulz for May 21, 1989
Snoopy, the Foreign Legionnaire, along with his bird troops, stands in front of the Ace Country CLub. A sign reads, "No Dogs Allowed." Snoopy thinks, "Must be a misprint."<BR><BR> He walks along, thinking, "Follow me, men.."<BR><BR> They all march. Snoopy thinks, "Here's the world famous Sergeant of the Foreign Legion leading his troops across the burning desert.."<BR><BR> Sally holds the phopne and says to Charlie Brown, "It's the local golf pro..he says your dog is walking through his sandtraps again."<BR><BR> Snoopy watches as a golf ball sails by and lands in front of him. He thinks, "Suddenly, a hand grenade falls in their midst!"<BR><BR> "The Sergeant hurls himself upon the hand grenade to save his troops!!" Snoopy follows suit, leaping onto the golf ball.<BR><BR> Snoopy sits, surrounded by his bird troops, watching the ball. He thinks, "But a miracle occurs..the grenade fails to explode..."<BR><BR> "Just then, a tremendous artillery barrage begins, and the troops retreat to an oasis!" Snoopy and birds run away as golf clubs are thrown at them.<BR><BR> Snoopy thinks, "Exhausted, they rest beneath a palm tree." Snoopy and troops rest beneath a flag reading "3".<BR><BR> Charlie Brown talks into the phone: "Now, he's where?" he asks. "Yes, Sir..I understand..."<BR><BR>
Daeder about 2 years ago
I think the country club is going to have to change the clubhouse name from “Fort Zinderneuf” to something else if the want Snoopy and his Legion to stop coming around.