I hope that cave is well ventilated, and there are no fire hazards around.“Now,” is not the time to invent carbon monoxide poisoning and third degree burns…….,
I know the network Ping test was old, but that old? Speed-testers often use it to determine your speed, and not by using a Tinker to Evers to Chance route. Gees.
oldpine52 about 5 years ago
Still not quite up to Tim ’ the Toolman’ Taylor’s level.
wiatr about 5 years ago
Wouldn’t that many make it a burning bush?
Watcher about 5 years ago
If those are real candles, your tree is doomed.
wmwiii Premium Member about 5 years ago
When you have to use Google to figure out a joke, the cartoon loses its effectiveness. Not that it was that funny, anyway.
Mordock999 Premium Member about 5 years ago
I hope that cave is well ventilated, and there are no fire hazards around.“Now,” is not the time to invent carbon monoxide poisoning and third degree burns…….,
guyjen2004 about 5 years ago
Looks like BC live’s in Maine, given the location of that “ping”
Michael G. about 5 years ago
Is limestone fireproof?
MichaelHelwig about 5 years ago
Doesn’t beat Buddy Hall.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 5 years ago
Okay, some one call the fire department, or a really drooly dinosaur. That thing is going up in about 5 minutes.
guy42 about 5 years ago
Looks to be somewhere near NY, NY.
JPuzzleWhiz about 5 years ago
“40,000 Points of Light”!
Skeptical Meg about 5 years ago
If one goes out, do they all go out?
Enter.Name.Here about 5 years ago
One second later, the entire tree goes WHOOSH! (huge fireball).
Candles and dry pine go together like matches and gasoline.
Snoots about 5 years ago
Five seconds later they discover the beginning of what is later known as the laws of thermodynamics. And fire control.
ChessPirate about 5 years ago
[PING!] [FOOF!] [SIZZLE!] “Groannn…”
michael3114 about 5 years ago
40,000 candles on a tree in a cave would be a a blast furnace. Can’t imagine how he could have lit them all.
eladee AKA Wally about 5 years ago
Drum roll please.
rimose about 5 years ago
Is that Atlantis off the coast?
cuzinron47 about 5 years ago
And another tree goes up in flames.
tcayer about 5 years ago
Candles on a drying tree. I can’t imagine why THAT tradition went away.
Mediatech about 5 years ago
Hope that cave has ventilation.
dogday Premium Member about 5 years ago
Children, children…! Reading these comments — have we lost the magic of simple cartoon belief?
zeexenon about 5 years ago
I know the network Ping test was old, but that old? Speed-testers often use it to determine your speed, and not by using a Tinker to Evers to Chance route. Gees.
WCraft Premium Member about 5 years ago
So that is what started the first extinction level event – a huge forest fire that consumed all the plant life on earth!
Angry Indeed Premium Member about 5 years ago
Yeah, he’s a real pain in the @$$!