I’d assume that this job is the equivalent of a business landing a big contract. Of course, the manicurist may just be an employee, and not sharing in the benefits of such a windfall. Hopefully she gets time-and-a-half after eight hours and a hefty tip from the customer!
the humorist formerly known as Hotshot1984 Premium Member over 4 years ago
If it was a milli-pedicure it would take even longer.
HarryLime over 4 years ago
Well, that ladybug is certainly bugged.
Radish... over 4 years ago
Is it piece rate or by the job?
RAGs over 4 years ago
Use a power sander, more time effective.
PO' DAWG over 4 years ago
Harmonia Axyridis?
saltylife16 over 4 years ago
Both have their game faces on. Something going to give.
exness Premium Member over 4 years ago
I finally found someone I really like to do my nails and now I’m afraid she won’t be able to recover, business wise, when this mess is over.
zeexenon over 4 years ago
Asian Lady Beetle employees would gnaw them all tout de suite.
cuzinron47 over 4 years ago
Just be glad you’re not a shoe salesperson.
STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member over 4 years ago
The millipede is next!
paullp Premium Member over 4 years ago
I’d assume that this job is the equivalent of a business landing a big contract. Of course, the manicurist may just be an employee, and not sharing in the benefits of such a windfall. Hopefully she gets time-and-a-half after eight hours and a hefty tip from the customer!