Working It Out by Charlos Gary for January 14, 2020

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    MoeJoe  almost 5 years ago

    My old boss, retired last May, but he is still calling here at work and trying to micromanage, this is not even his company!… But he was always a control freak.

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    EowynWolfmoon  almost 5 years ago

    having the boss connect at work remotely isn’t too much of an issue for most, it means they are out of the office and not standing at your desk asking for help and simultaneously telling you the help you are giving is wrong. What I deplore is that it seems to be now you are expected to be available 24/7 like some kind of indentured servant, and the culture is “do uncompensated work or be left behind”. Lines between home life and work life have really been blurred because of easy connectivity, unfortunately . If you refuse to allow that line to be crossed, you run the risk of being called a “person who is not a team player”. It is the dark side of tech, for sure, and something I hope the labour codes eventually address.

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    WCraft Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Not to mention all the hidden cameras and two way computer screens…

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