Those of us who have sailed, will notice that the sail is being filled from starboard to port (right to left), indicative of the wind direction. If that is so, why is the catamaran heeled over to the right? Normally, with the wind blowing to the port, the catamaran (or any sailboat) would heel to the port. Generally, sailors use their weight to offset the heeling action, so this tubby tabby should have hike his robust body to the starboard side to offset the effects of the wind. Ahh .. but then, this is comic sailing … so …never mind.
RAGs almost 5 years ago
Cat and his maran?
almost 5 years ago
He is such a cool cat.
mrcooncat almost 5 years ago
Those of us who have sailed, will notice that the sail is being filled from starboard to port (right to left), indicative of the wind direction. If that is so, why is the catamaran heeled over to the right? Normally, with the wind blowing to the port, the catamaran (or any sailboat) would heel to the port. Generally, sailors use their weight to offset the heeling action, so this tubby tabby should have hike his robust body to the starboard side to offset the effects of the wind. Ahh .. but then, this is comic sailing … so …never mind.
Randoblyth almost 5 years ago
He is on a broad reach, so the force is forward, not to the side
Zebrastripes almost 5 years ago
Margo Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Living the good life.
lagoulou almost 5 years ago
Ahhh, sweet mystery of life… last he’s found it!