Ozy and Millie by Dana Simpson for August 03, 2023

  1. Omav
    Averagemoe  over 1 year ago

    Nerds are too busy using the school for it’s intended purpose.

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    Deleted Account2623  over 1 year ago

    “So, she moved me up a grade because I wasn’t fitting in, so now I’m even more not fitting in. I was getting good grades, you know, like all A’s. So my mom says, “You need stimulation” and I go, “No, I’m stimulated enough right now.” So she says, “Uh-uh. You don’t have a challenge. You need a challenge.” So now I’m challenged, all right. I’m challenged to hold on to my lunch money because of all the big mooses who want to pound me, because I’m a shrimpy dork who thinks he’s smarter than them. But I don’t think I’m smarter, I just do the stupid homework. If everyone else just did the stupid homework, they could move up a grade and get pounded too. Is there any more coffee?" -Hogarth; The Iron Giant

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  3. Nollanav
    DaBump Premium Member over 1 year ago

    I SO want to start a private exclusive alternate education center that would only allow good kids. I’d probably have to be so rich I wouldn’t have to charge for it.

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    Takos  over 1 year ago

    Too true. School was a nightmare for me. All I wanted to do was go and learn and even the other smart kids who were also preps and jocks would spread nasty rumors and beat me up. I had to be careful what entrances I used to even get in to school or I’d start my day with my books destroyed and a black eye or concussion. Of course, they never saw a single minute of punishment for any of it either, but the second I spoke up for myself I was in ISS for it.

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    Teto85 Premium Member over 1 year ago

    On returning home after med school and a few years overseas I was taking the stairs in the hospital where I was teaching and a janitor recognized me. He was one of the kids who bullied me in middle school and he called me by name. I replied “That’s Doctor Teto to you.” “Doctor Teto.” I know he burned with that every time he said it.

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