Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for March 02, 2011
Ray: Thanks for springing me, dawg. B.D.: What happened, ray? Ray: Long story. B.D.: It can't be that long. You got busted five minutes after you called. Ray: I coldcocked this trucker. He looked at me funny. B.D.: Looked at you funny? Ray: Seemed so. He could've just been squinting. B.D.: Wow, Ray. Sounds like he really had it coming.
Edlueze almost 14 years ago
I don’t recall BD having any issues after coming back from Vietnam - just the opposite. And I think he was fine after the Gulf war. It was when he came back from Iraq without a leg that the mental issues also started kicking in.
cdward almost 14 years ago
I see BD lending a helping hand. The older BD gets, the more I like him.
lewisbower almost 14 years ago
Had a cop co-worker call that a friend was jailed for DUI. “I’ll spring him.” “How much have you been drinking?” “Ahh, maybe you’d better call someone else.”
Potrzebie almost 14 years ago
GEE1A I’ll raise my hand! I found that I had a shorter temper since returning from the sandtrap too.
puddleglum1066 almost 14 years ago
Time for the hat: “Instant A**Hole–Just Add Alcohol!”
CedarCircle almost 14 years ago
wonder if he’ll meet Red Rascal on the way over
TexTech almost 14 years ago
Ray definitely seems to be wound too tight. If he is about to redeploy, that would seem to indicate he has been stateside for at least 12 months. I guess that has not been long enough to decompress. Someone may need to question if it is safe to send him back into combat. He could “go postal” and take out his whole unit for “looking at him funny” which would not be at all funny.
odeliasimone almost 14 years ago
Should have left him in the jail padded cell for a few more days.
mblase75 almost 14 years ago
TexTech, the entire purpose of military conditioning is to get you to identify with your fellow soldiers. An experienced soldier going postal on his own unit wouldn’t be wound up too tight; he’d be facing a complete psychotic break from reality.
FriscoLou almost 14 years ago
Ron Moreau wrote this article about the effect PTSD is having on the Taliban. It makes me wonder, will the war end when both sides are too traumatized to be effective?
Dtroutma almost 14 years ago
rule 1: Get THEM to swing first. A “look” just doesn’t do it.
rule 2: With as many as six deployments, rule 1 should no longer apply.
In “my day” I used rule 1, a number of times, not “looking for a fight”, but not avoiding it either. Today, my son is finding citizen apathy as big a fight.
I knew Vietnamese, just like Afghans, who’d NEVER KNOWN A TIME OF ‘PEACE”– so finding someone WITHOUT PTSD would be “difficult” in these populations. That is what our “gung ho” folks at home do not understand as they push for still more incursions abroad. What is Obama supposed to do about Libya? NOT A THING!!
Justice22 almost 14 years ago
^ I agree Mr. Trout. Another rule; Never start a second war when you are involved in one! Some are wanting a third one now. The “Sandbox” is Iraq. We are still there.
Edlueze almost 14 years ago
Vietnam has changed a lot! The average age in Vietnam is 28 years old - so a huge percentage of the population have not known war at all. When the old people talk about it, which is rare, it is with the nostalgia that the Greatest Generation talk about returning from WW2. The young people just roll their eyes and ignore such irrelevant musings from a world gone by.
woowie almost 14 years ago
I agree, dtroutma, some of these countries just have to deal with their own messes. I do not like the idea of Americans producing human targets for other countries to aim at year after year after year………..! But, I’m feelin a little disjointed myself reading this current line of Doonesbury.