Cornered by Mike Baldwin for May 16, 2009

  1. Hokeypokey
    Jaws2z  over 15 years ago

    I have a friend who’s an electrician. He’s on vacation until his hair grows back.

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  2. Smiley tongue
    Smiley Rmom  over 15 years ago

    That is one of the perks of homeschooling - no peer pressure to look a certain way.

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  3. Missing large
    calvinandquestionmark  over 15 years ago

    big old yawn on this one.

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  4. G
    mrgromit  over 15 years ago

    How did he get the big seat?

    You know, the one that’s really high so that the barber can’t even get to the back of his head? Maybe that was the problem.

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