La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for April 03, 2011
Barrio Bugle Sign: Management on strike Sign: Stop runaway worker's rights Mr. Jefe: Hey hey! Ho ho! Your rights have got to go! Eddie: Mr. Jefe... why are you striking against me? I'm your only employee... You barely pay me a living wage... You don't let me take any breaks... And you make me mow your lawn on the weekends! I don't want you to get cocky.
comicgos almost 14 years ago
Is Barrio Bugle in Wisconsin?
lewisbower almost 14 years ago
Hey, no Wisconsin jokes. The people elected leaders, the leaders carried out the peoples wishes, with the help of the media a minority tried to fight this by stopping government business, the minority Senators, ran away, the bill passed, and the same minority did some judge shopping till the found a sympathetic judge. The American Way.
Boys and girls, today’s word is mil rate. Can you say escalate?
UBBM Premium Member almost 14 years ago
And the wise voters of Illinois once elected two candidates from the lunatic fringe group headed by Lindon Larouche because they had nice, safe sounding white names on a ballot filled with ethnic names. The reich- wingers have created an atmoshere of fear to get themselves elected.
Christopher Shea almost 14 years ago
Busting unions is “the people’s wishes?” Might want to check a few polls there before you make such grandiose statements. Oh wait, no, you’re a conservative, facts are just a tool of sneering liberal elitists.
Dirty Dragon almost 14 years ago
The only Wisconsin jokes are the jokers getting SHAME! chanted at them. But the Badger state GOP will have a fair chance to defend their actions at recall elections.