Hey, Donna. That’s not such a bad idea. Other countries routinely are rated better by their own citizens in matters of work life, Healthcare, education. Etc. Maybe they have something. The propoganda in America spread by it’s corporate owners and politicians that this country is the “shining city on the hill” has resulted in unbelievable suffering. And unbelievable profits for a very few.
Worked at a power plant, anything over 8 hrs was time and a half. On Sundays it was double time. Back in the day before our sleaze balls in Washington passed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) into law, along with many other free trade agreements, we had strong unions that got good pay for our lower level workers. Now days all the jobs have been shipped overseas, if you don’t have a good technical, medical, or mechanical skill good luck.
sevaar777 almost 5 years ago
Hey, Donna. That’s not such a bad idea. Other countries routinely are rated better by their own citizens in matters of work life, Healthcare, education. Etc. Maybe they have something. The propoganda in America spread by it’s corporate owners and politicians that this country is the “shining city on the hill” has resulted in unbelievable suffering. And unbelievable profits for a very few.
Tantor almost 5 years ago
Ahem, what a cheesy joke Donna
A Common 'tator almost 5 years ago
Here in France we pay tax twice… Deducted automatically from our pay-packet and again at the end of the financial year…
The missing M. Smokey almost 5 years ago
But… but… In France can you get a Bernie Sanders bobblehead doll delivered overnight from AmazonPrime? Huh? Can you?
BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Worked at a power plant, anything over 8 hrs was time and a half. On Sundays it was double time. Back in the day before our sleaze balls in Washington passed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) into law, along with many other free trade agreements, we had strong unions that got good pay for our lower level workers. Now days all the jobs have been shipped overseas, if you don’t have a good technical, medical, or mechanical skill good luck.
fireeyes almost 5 years ago
Sounds like all is smiles and sunshine in the US…no scoundrels and everyone is so happy and inventive! The rest of the world is very proud!
paul GROSS Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Great place until all the disaffected immigrants decide to burn everyone’s car.
Sisyphos almost 5 years ago
Donna the Down-trodden! Sounds like Donna needs a new employer. But I don’t think emigrating to France is a solution….
Daeder almost 5 years ago
Land of the brie, and the home of the chevre.