The great things about have a dog in your family is that you don’t have to buy it a car, bail it out of jail, pay for its college or its wedding, or support it while it plays computer video games day and night!
In exchange for some food and water and a little care and attention, a dog will give you back unconditional love, loyalty, and companionship for life.
You’ve all been WONDERFUL along the five week arc (including the short break) Oscar will be back. Got one more day but Monday WORD O’ THE DAY returns followed by SOCIAL DISTANCE DATING. Tell your friends there’s still a funny comic strip to follow. -ML
wldhrsy2luv almost 5 years ago
Yay! together again!
Zebrastripes almost 5 years ago
Awwwww! Welcome back Oscar! Even though it’s temporary….or IS it?
PO' DAWG almost 5 years ago
YES! A happy ending.
Linguist almost 5 years ago
The great things about have a dog in your family is that you don’t have to buy it a car, bail it out of jail, pay for its college or its wedding, or support it while it plays computer video games day and night!
In exchange for some food and water and a little care and attention, a dog will give you back unconditional love, loyalty, and companionship for life.
S.Curtis almost 5 years ago
So happy for them both!
GKBOWOOD Premium Member almost 5 years ago
He’s Back!!!
Impkins Premium Member almost 5 years ago
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very nice, Mike. :)
cuzinron47 almost 5 years ago
They were made for each other. They even speak the same language.
70440758 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
NICE Mike! You know we all wanted that outcome. Thanks for giving it to us before the weekend. Good job!
YorkGirl Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Kind&Kinder almost 5 years ago
Dog love—nothing like it!
mlester101 creator almost 5 years ago
You’ve all been WONDERFUL along the five week arc (including the short break) Oscar will be back. Got one more day but Monday WORD O’ THE DAY returns followed by SOCIAL DISTANCE DATING. Tell your friends there’s still a funny comic strip to follow. -ML