Peanuts by Charles Schulz for July 07, 1957
Linus stands and watches Lucy, who kneels on the ground over a book. She is surrounded by crayons.<br> <br> Linus bends down to pick up a crayon.<br> <br> "GET AWAY FROM THOSE CRAYONS!!" Lucy shouts, sending Linus tumbling through the air.<br> <br> Linus stands and looks off to one side: "MOM!"<br> <br> "Oh, good grief!!" Lucy grimaces. A voice calls, "LUCY! You share those crayons with your brother!"<br> <br> "Boy, I oughta slug you a good one!" Lucy stands and grits her teeth at Linus, raising her arm back to take a swing at him. "Just give me the crayons.." Linus smiles.<br> <br> She hands him some crayons: "Here's three of 'em...Now, get outa here!"<br> <br> Linus walks off, whistling.<br> <br> "I gave him three, Mom..was that enough?" Lucy calls. The voice replies, "That was fine,'s always nice to share your things..."<br> <br> "White, gray and black." Linus kneels on the floor in front of a coloring book and holds up the crayons. He sighs.<br> <br>
RoofDog over 11 years ago
You can use those colors to draw any television show.
yow4zip Premium Member over 7 years ago
Pyrrhic lite.
DanWolfie over 5 years ago
Is it just me, or did the strip tend to focus on Linus and Lucy a LOT during that era? It seems that at times, Charlie Brown ended up playing second fiddle to the Van Pelt siblings and Snoopy in the late 50s.
Mr Pets about 2 years ago
If Lucy hates being told on then she shouldn’t threaten to slug Linus.