Bad Machinery by John Allison for February 17, 2023

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    What ever  almost 2 years ago

    Lottie predicts Brexit!

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    Panufo  almost 2 years ago

    Is this a circumstance under which Little Claire loses her lisp? Or is she growing out of it?

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    imagenesis  almost 2 years ago

    Is it just me or today’s comic post looks larger in size than others?!

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    Lemon Juice  almost 2 years ago

    I guess the same could be said of History teachers.

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    GaryCooper  almost 2 years ago

    Truer than you know, Lottie.

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    GaryCooper  almost 2 years ago

    It’s true that teaching is a bit like a pyramid scheme.

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    GaryCooper  almost 2 years ago

    Is there a country called Kumar?

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    GaryCooper  almost 2 years ago

    A friend got a degree in geography. He did not, however, become a professional geographer.

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  9. Elusive dream girl
    Jonathan K. and the Elusive Dream Girl  almost 2 years ago

    There’s my Little Claire!


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    scyphi26  almost 2 years ago

    Sometimes I wish Lottie’s little “theories” were real things—they at least seem more interesting than the real world.

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  11. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  almost 2 years ago

    Let’s get back to the geometric progression.

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  12. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Lottie is not wrong in the final panel. Monitoring climate change and its effects on the environment has in fact created an increased demand for geographers, worldwide. (However, the biggest demand for geographers is in what used to be called “urban planning”, finding sites for constructing businesses and routes for utilities and transportation that satisfy various criteria such as distances from competing businesses, economic conditions in the vicinity, traffic constrictions, etc. It’s basically a big database problem, and most university geography departments are structured as a discipline within computer science. It’s a big business, both in government and in private commerce.)

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  13. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  almost 2 years ago

    Wow. Is that ole’ man Grokey behind them on the stairs? Maybe a different tie, so probably another teacher, but look at those bow-legs! Does he ride a horse to work? He’s got more bow than a cross country cattle driver.

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    Aladar30 Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Claire can be scary with her theories.

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    Teto85 Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    the Mrs is a Scot. She took the SQE, the Scottish equivalent. When the girls were prepping for their SATs she took one look at them and said those were for babies.

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    MCProfessor  almost 2 years ago

    What happened to Little Claire’s lisp?

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  17. Grayhair the pirate b
    Grayhair, The Pirate Formerly Known as Tom Powell Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Guess it’s up to me to ask. What are GCSE options?

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