Bad Machinery by John Allison for September 19, 2023

  1. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member about 1 year ago

    It’s not as rare as it seems. Supernumerary.

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    Lemon Juice  about 1 year ago

    “Do not take hot drinks out as tuck”.

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    AndromedaMike  about 1 year ago

    Jack and Shauna look too old to still be in high school, or whatever the Brits call it.

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    scyphi26  about 1 year ago

    Jack’s description of Lottie’s brain does seem pretty on the nose though.

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    R.U. Kidding  about 1 year ago

    I love Shauna’s Lottie impression. LA!

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    Aladar30 Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Jack seems deeply disgusted by the story. I don’t think it’s nice that Lottie is spreading it around. This could start an even worse desire of revenge.

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  7. Selkiedad
    John Campbell  about 1 year ago

    To be fair, Mimi didn’t make Lottie promise not to tell.

    Part 2 of “The Case of the Modern Men” opened with a three-row page, which was split up for publication to fit the page format. The bottom row of this strip was the top row of the original page. The top row of this strip is new, added for publication. (If Jack and Shauna look different than they do in the rest of the story, it’s perhaps because that row was drawn later, with a hand used to drawing older versions of them.) We’ll get the rest of the original page tomorrow.

    The original page had a big “2” built into the frame of one of the windows above the doorway in the penultimate panel, as a sort of diegetic caption (which John Allison has been increasingly fond of in recent years), which I didn’t even realize was there until I was comparing this version directly to the original web version and noticed that it was gone.

    There were More Bobbins Now strips posted between Part 1 and Part 2 of the case, featuring Amy, Ryan, and their new son Walt at home, including a visit from Definitely-Not-An-Aunt Shelley, who, as a Lady of Means who made her fortune churning out childish drivel on her own schedule, can faff about between London and Tackleford whenever she feels like taking her Maserati (featured in the first panel of this case) for a spin.

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