They’re talking about what Americans call “hard cider”, often the British teenager’s first alcoholic drink of choice as it can retain some of the sweetness of the apples and attracts a lower rate of tax than beer. Legal drinking age is 18, and they are still only 14 (I think) but, well, we’ll see.
Rob Brewer 10 months ago
They’re talking about what Americans call “hard cider”, often the British teenager’s first alcoholic drink of choice as it can retain some of the sweetness of the apples and attracts a lower rate of tax than beer. Legal drinking age is 18, and they are still only 14 (I think) but, well, we’ll see.
scyphi26 10 months ago
Yeah, that seems like a pretty accurate assessment on the boys on Roland’s part. :P Guess the troublemaking’s going to be all up to you two, girls!
Govi Premium Member 10 months ago
Have Charlotte’s eyes always been red? Her irises look distinctly red in the final panel.
willie_mctell 10 months ago
Lottie doesn’t try to hide her true nature.
6turtle9 10 months ago
Access All Areas. That’s a disturbing declaration.
Aladar30 Premium Member 10 months ago
Roland is a genius. He understood the situation perfectly.