Bad Machinery by John Allison for July 31, 2024

  1. 9e7605ed a544 4590 9007 5a0413858537
    What ever  5 months ago

    Wastin’ ‘is gift, ‘e is!

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  2. Selkiedad
    John Campbell  5 months ago

    As you can see by the window lettering, the restaurant here is Hugo’s. The proprietor, Hugo Rodriguez, was a major character through much of Scary Go Round, and… frankly defies description. So I’ll let him introduce himself:

    “I am like a supernova in the night. I appear in a blinding flash and change your universe forever. Also I promise a free bird table for every lonely spinster.” — Hugo Rodriguez

    The waitress is Fallon Young, genetically-engineered sexy superspy, until she was forcibly retired and started waiting tables, in absence of anything else she could do that wouldn’t draw the ire of the government.

    Daz and Romesh need to be careful what they say here. Hugo and Fallon are long-time friends of Amy (whom Hugo once described as “the ultimate lady”) and Ryan, and Fallon (whom Hugo once described as “the apex of sexy danger”) could kill them both with her little finger.

    I think that’s the back of Desmond Fishman’s head just visible at the edge of panel 3. Des is also a long-time friend of Amy and Ryan (insofar as Des is capable of friendship), but that’s not really a concern, as he’s incredibly self-centered and even if he could be stirred to bother himself about someone else, the worst he could do is squirt ink in their faces.

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  3. Sigcov
    BarryStahr  5 months ago

    The layering is strong with this one – the Campbellverse is bewildering!

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  4. Slogo3avatar
    scyphi26  5 months ago

    Right, I forgot…Darren’s mate has a knack for antiquing.

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  5. 20141112 192913
    Aladar30 Premium Member 5 months ago

    Romesh, stay away from that waitress if you care for your life!

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