HH and the GK is the title of a bedtime story that Calvin’s parents read to him in a couple of strips. No details as to the story, but I think I recall Calvin’s mom telling his dad how cute he looks doing the Happy Hamster Hop.
Besides the “Classics Illustrated,” I read MAD magazine and got a lot of good poems (along with some bizarre illustrations) out of it for English class when I was too lazy to go to the library.
Good for you, and all the other teachers doing this! When I was in school (back when we had to bring fuel to fire up the pot belled stove - in the 50’s and 60’s ;-) ) I could remember books well, and never had the problem of last minute reading. But, boy! was last minute writing a problem!
When I was in high school decades ago, my English teacher assigned a book which most of us skimmed through. The third question on the quiz was “How many pairs of socks did the mother knit for her son when he went away to war (Civil) and what color were they?” I never skimmed again in his class and neither did anyone else!
The Classics Illustrate version of Moby Dick covered the basic story pretty well. Most of the rest of the real Moby Dick was basically how-to-be-a-whaler. Call me Fishmeal.
My book reports were a compilation of reading the notes on the book jacket and occasional references taken at random from the book itself. Being an ACOA I had other, in many respects overwhelming, matters to deal with in my household.
margueritem almost 14 years ago
Typical Calvin.
as363 almost 14 years ago
But that’s what we want - Hi Marg Jim Old Wolf and other C.C’s
Yukoner almost 14 years ago
When I was in school I used a lot of “Classics Illustrated” to do book reports. You have to be older to remember those.
GROG Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Well you should have read the book yourself, Calvin….and got an earlier start to do it, too.
Good Morning, Marg, Mike & ♠Lonewolf♠
rentier almost 14 years ago
A little bit late for working, Calvin, isn’t it?
Dino-1 almost 14 years ago
You had to open your mouth Calvin. It sounded like Dad might have just read the whole book for you now you blew it!
Puddleglum2 almost 14 years ago
Throw the book at him, Dad!
Elaine Rosco Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Calvin…always looking for the easy way out.
davidf42 almost 14 years ago
Yukoner - I certainly remember. In fact I still have 2 or 3 of them.
Commentator almost 14 years ago
What happened to Hamster Huey and the Gooey Kablooey?
magnamax almost 14 years ago
There are bells ringing, but I’m lost. Who were HH and GK? Sounds like fun.
dobbyar almost 14 years ago
paullp Premium Member almost 14 years ago
HH and the GK is the title of a bedtime story that Calvin’s parents read to him in a couple of strips. No details as to the story, but I think I recall Calvin’s mom telling his dad how cute he looks doing the Happy Hamster Hop.
Ray_C almost 14 years ago
Calvin is six years old and has to write a book report. He must’ve skipped a few grades.
kab2rb almost 14 years ago
For most 1st graders just writing what they read all needed.. Unless the librarian has a list of questions for the readers of the book.
cleokaya almost 14 years ago
I always wait until the last minute as well. I work best under pressure. But..in Calvin’s case, the pressure is now on dad.
alan.gurka almost 14 years ago
Besides the “Classics Illustrated,” I read MAD magazine and got a lot of good poems (along with some bizarre illustrations) out of it for English class when I was too lazy to go to the library.
larney45 almost 14 years ago
Now the kids use Cliff”s Notes online and don’t read it at all. The only problem is that we teachers know it, and ask specific questions not covered…
yuggib almost 14 years ago
Linda Arney,
Good for you, and all the other teachers doing this! When I was in school (back when we had to bring fuel to fire up the pot belled stove - in the 50’s and 60’s ;-) ) I could remember books well, and never had the problem of last minute reading. But, boy! was last minute writing a problem!
calpal10 almost 14 years ago
Is Calvin scared something is under his bed?
hippogriff almost 14 years ago
Classics Illustrated? You infants. I remember True Comics (same publisher as Parents Magazine, non-fiction, mid to late 1940s)
ratlum almost 14 years ago
He fits into Calvin normal real fast.
Gretchen's Mom almost 14 years ago
A different kind of “Audio Book”!
mrcharmander934 almost 14 years ago
Invisible 4th panel: Dad absolutely freaks!
featherweight almost 14 years ago
Tee hee
vzs1022 almost 14 years ago
Oh…did I say that out loud?
pattybf almost 14 years ago
Hi Linda Arney:
When I was in high school decades ago, my English teacher assigned a book which most of us skimmed through. The third question on the quiz was “How many pairs of socks did the mother knit for her son when he went away to war (Civil) and what color were they?” I never skimmed again in his class and neither did anyone else!
rgcviper almost 14 years ago
Uh-oh … this is not likely to end well.
And personally, I’d LOVE to see the return of “Hamster Huey and the Gooey Kablooey”. Ha–that title still makes me smile every time I hear it.
artybee almost 14 years ago
The Classics Illustrate version of Moby Dick covered the basic story pretty well. Most of the rest of the real Moby Dick was basically how-to-be-a-whaler. Call me Fishmeal.
mac47 almost 14 years ago
Good idea!!!
DavidGBA almost 14 years ago
You forgot history of whale, history of whaling were in there, too. Someone was getting paid by the word. Ditto, Count of Monte Cristo.
khpage almost 14 years ago
My book reports were a compilation of reading the notes on the book jacket and occasional references taken at random from the book itself. Being an ACOA I had other, in many respects overwhelming, matters to deal with in my household.
TracerBullet2 almost 14 years ago
Wow. I thought Calvin couldn’t get any dumbererer when he had Hobbes do his homework. He just hit an all time low.
Removed over 13 years ago
Nice one calvin, you blew your cover. Now, I bet, you’ll have to read the book and that would be nightmare.
kathinspain over 13 years ago
This sounds exactly like my son…