Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for March 12, 2011
Luann says, "Tiff? If you need a place to have the beauty pageant, I have an idea" Tiffany says, "Listening" Luann says, "Weenieworld! My brother worked there so he could ask. How can they refuse? We'll be bringing in hundreds of people!" Tiffany says, "Excellent idea, Luann! Y'know, you may not be a beauty pageant type, but you could win 'Miss Brainy'!" Luann says, "Wow. Every girl's dream"
Hatjuggler1 over 8 years ago
A beauty pageant at a hot dog fast food joint? Sounds awful to me.
Le'Roy Hawkins about 6 years ago
What a Sausage Fest!