Commentator: He’s probably earning a living. Only the lucky ones can live off their comics.
(I say lucky because considering the crumby comics that survive and the great comics that don’t, it seems more luck than talent, and in any case, not justice.)
riley05 almost 14 years ago
Yes, it’s true.
GoComics hates Frank Cho.
pschearer Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Well, at least it’s clear where we are in the chronology.
(Yo, Ant’ny! Why you say that?)
Commentator almost 14 years ago
Come on Cho, what else are you doing that’s so important?
pschearer Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Commentator: He’s probably earning a living. Only the lucky ones can live off their comics.
(I say lucky because considering the crumby comics that survive and the great comics that don’t, it seems more luck than talent, and in any case, not justice.)
lewisbower almost 14 years ago
The last thing I remember was a belated “Don’t marry Frank” and then the screen went dead.
Boots at the Boar Premium Member almost 14 years ago
You guys know that the strip ran from 1997 to 2001 right? They’ve been reruns since.
my_discworld almost 14 years ago
Aaaand we’re at the first strip. Good to know where we are in the story :D
iantheevil almost 14 years ago
Commentator - Cho is working for Marvel Comics these days.
Charles Brobst Premium Member almost 14 years ago
The screen didn’t go dead, he went dead. Procrastinate enough, fellas, and your sweet gentle lady love will KILL you.
vasgar1 almost 14 years ago
DaaaH! And to think I finally got one week’s worth of comics I hadn’t read… so back to the beginning we go… again…