I hope this is just a gag, and not something ‘Sylvia’ is actually considering. I hadn’t seen the term ‘hypercarnivore’ before, but cats are ‘obligate carnivores’, which means pretty much the same thing.
See “Why are cats described as ‘obligate carnivores’? (http://cats.about.com/od/catfoodfaqs/f/obligatecarnivores.htm) and a bunch of other places for more info.
DrChiBob almost 14 years ago
Boys, make sure she keeps the bird feeder full
Mary McNeil Premium Member almost 14 years ago
But cats are “hypercarnivores” (a real term) and MUST have meat in their diet! A cat who doesn’t get any taurine will lose its vision.
danielse almost 14 years ago
I hope this is just a gag, and not something ‘Sylvia’ is actually considering. I hadn’t seen the term ‘hypercarnivore’ before, but cats are ‘obligate carnivores’, which means pretty much the same thing.
See “Why are cats described as ‘obligate carnivores’? (http://cats.about.com/od/catfoodfaqs/f/obligatecarnivores.htm) and a bunch of other places for more info.
Again, hoping this is just a gag, and not a plan.