Peanuts by Charles Schulz for October 09, 1955

  1. 090722 eclipse space 02
    yow4zip Premium Member about 9 years ago

    They’re all coming for you.

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  2. 133px chess piece   white rook
    UltraCharlie  about 7 years ago

    Put in some burps and use Rick’s voice (from Rick and Morty) and you can imagine him saying Lucy’s dialogue.

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  3. Me sarcastic never 2
    alien011  about 4 years ago

    …and the sky is filled with birds, and they all want to poop on your car…

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  4. Missing large
    [Unnamed Reader - b10daf]  almost 2 years ago

    Too much input.

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  5. Img 2601
    Lucy Rocks  about 1 year ago

    She setting him up for future visits to the psychiatrist

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