Opening attachments on spam is such a problem that we had a 1-hour webinar with IT on “How to Spot and Deal with Phishing.” Within 30 minutes of the conclusion of the webinar, one of the attendees “reply all-ed” an obvious phish to everyone in the organization, stating, “I opened this, but I can’t see the attachment.”
A Common 'tator over 4 years ago
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it’s SuperDana…
I’m curious to see what design of mask she’ll be wearing…
rshive over 4 years ago
Poor Dana. Why sweat a sure method of amusement for one that might happen?
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member over 4 years ago
She cares more about someone else’s network than I care about my own network.
WoodstockJack over 4 years ago
Opening attachments on spam is such a problem that we had a 1-hour webinar with IT on “How to Spot and Deal with Phishing.” Within 30 minutes of the conclusion of the webinar, one of the attendees “reply all-ed” an obvious phish to everyone in the organization, stating, “I opened this, but I can’t see the attachment.”
All of Mumbai was ROFLTAO.
Aladar30 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Poor Dana. She has too much responsibilities.
Bruce1253 over 4 years ago
Some times you have to allow people to enjoy the consequences of their choices.
Dragoncat over 4 years ago
All was quiet and peaceful, until Dana was reminded that Rita has to be supervised 24/7/365.25…