A special evening out is one where you don’t wear one of your “eatin’ shirts”, your tie hides the strain and gaps of the shirt buttons and they bring the food to you. Not only that but it’s served.on plates that are not made from paper or petroleum products.
And don’t forget to tell your server you have a coupon!
I’m alright with his rolled-up sleeves … just so long as the shirt doesn’t get pulled out and his pants then become unbuttoned and unzipped to make more “room” for everything he’s going to eat!
comicgos almost 14 years ago
And unties his tie!
EarlWash almost 14 years ago
Cuttin’ them steaks in some of them high faluttin’ places takes work.
I Go Pogo almost 14 years ago
A special evening out is one where you don’t wear one of your “eatin’ shirts”, your tie hides the strain and gaps of the shirt buttons and they bring the food to you. Not only that but it’s served.on plates that are not made from paper or petroleum products.
And don’t forget to tell your server you have a coupon!
LuvThemPluggers almost 14 years ago
Yep, he’s gonna be “working” hard on that plate of food. If he’s like my plugger, he’ll be mopping up the gravy with his bread. Stand back!
EarlWash almost 14 years ago
LuvThem, that’s what Tennessee Ernie Ford used to call “SOPPIE”.
jackdohany almost 14 years ago
It’s a well-known scientific fact that pluggers only have 3 fingers on each hand, and maybe a thumb. :~)
wanderwolf almost 14 years ago
mightaswellbe: And the “boule” (a bowl made of bread) dates to the medieval era.
jackdohany: Now, now, no picking on the artist. He inherited this strip, and he’s done very well by it.
Gretchen's Mom almost 14 years ago
I’m alright with his rolled-up sleeves … just so long as the shirt doesn’t get pulled out and his pants then become unbuttoned and unzipped to make more “room” for everything he’s going to eat!
wanderwolf almost 14 years ago
GretchensMom: Well, of course. You only do that at FAMILY dinners… ;)