Hey, why is everyone telling the little shrimp to be patient, or blaming it for “trying too hard? Stick to your own kind?” Why is no one saying it’s the others who need to be more open to new friends?! Kinda sums up the world these days, “Don’t know you? You’re not like me? Don’t care.” C’mon little one, let’s go get some coffee.
infranscia over 4 years ago
Aw… Poor Shimp…
Nice Hammer Time reference. X3
Manta Ray is flying out of panel. o.O 4th wall powers? Woah!
infranscia over 4 years ago
(belated) Oh yeah… When you try and try, but you don’t succeed, and through no fault of your own. =’(
Status: Having nothing better to do over 4 years ago
Just be yourself, and people will come to you!
stairsteppublishing over 4 years ago
Just be your natural self. When you push it, people see it as fake.
ikini Premium Member over 4 years ago
Darn inferior screen.
vree66 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Poor shrimpy, he’ll make friends.
over 4 years ago
Never give up hope, Shrimpy.
amethyst52 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Tog over 4 years ago
Poor lil thing just wants to get involved. There’ll be something for you, just keep looking.
Gent over 4 years ago
Don’t worry, shrimp. There are many who like you… …as food, that is.
Gent over 4 years ago
All his pals joined the Bubba Gump company and were never heard of again. Since then, Shrimpy is all alone.
Pet over 4 years ago
As an only child who moved around a lot, you get used to going up to strange kids asking “can I play?”
It is always hard to hear “no”.
Maybe it is why I am more of a loner.
Breadboard over 4 years ago
Hang in there ! … Just do your own thing :-)
smorbie the great and beautiful over 4 years ago
It’s okay, Shrimp. Some of us never find a tribe.
ekw555 over 4 years ago
it is better to be alone than to be in bad company.don’t force it, Shrimp.
GSD Mom Premium Member over 4 years ago
I can really feel this one … :’( I hope that little thing finds someplace to belong and some creatures who welcome new friends.
Perkycat over 4 years ago
He needs to go to the Cat’s Cafe for a cup of coffee and welcoming friends.
prairiedogdance Premium Member over 4 years ago
Hey, why is everyone telling the little shrimp to be patient, or blaming it for “trying too hard? Stick to your own kind?” Why is no one saying it’s the others who need to be more open to new friends?! Kinda sums up the world these days, “Don’t know you? You’re not like me? Don’t care.” C’mon little one, let’s go get some coffee.
BaconBoyCamper over 4 years ago
Welcome to our herd, S !!!
ikini Premium Member over 4 years ago
It is hard, Shrimp. You may have to wait until the sadness runs its course, then you’ll be able to try again.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 4 years ago
Don’t give up. Be yourself and keep reaching out. You’ll find someone that way.
Gent over 4 years ago
I guess Hammerhead wasn’t hungry. Sharks are supposed to eat shrimps!
coffeeturtle over 4 years ago
Coffee Time trumps Hammer Time every time!
Alex. over 4 years ago
I can relate to cats cafe sometimes and that makes me smile.
FridayNightFrancis over 3 years ago
the whale calling song wwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaallllleeeeeee
Flapjack omelette over 3 years ago
This comic is one of the sweetest ones out there. Even when it’s characters are sad too
The Elves Of Xadia almost 3 years ago
Supmypup about 2 years ago
So sad