From what I can tell, a P’zone is a Pizza Hut version of a calzone. Props to Dan T for make a reference to a relevant product!
Anyhow, a calzone is basically a mini pizza folded over itself, pinched together around the crust that is not folded, and then baked in an oven until the crust is golden and the interior molten.
Mark you, that molten interior seemed to be considered the mark of a good calzone. I don’t know how many times I’ve been on a time limited meal break, while I’ve sat there and stared at something I was dying to eat and still being afraid to take a bite, however how many times I have cut it into cooler bites.
Then again, that was back when a calzone was considered to be a serving for one since no one bothered with individual slices of pizza. In those days, we did things differently out on the left coast.
Rod Gonzalez over 4 years ago
Oh yeah!
Rip is here!
bytebot-gocomics over 4 years ago
From what I can tell, a P’zone is a Pizza Hut version of a calzone. Props to Dan T for make a reference to a relevant product!
Anyhow, a calzone is basically a mini pizza folded over itself, pinched together around the crust that is not folded, and then baked in an oven until the crust is golden and the interior molten.
Mark you, that molten interior seemed to be considered the mark of a good calzone. I don’t know how many times I’ve been on a time limited meal break, while I’ve sat there and stared at something I was dying to eat and still being afraid to take a bite, however how many times I have cut it into cooler bites.
Then again, that was back when a calzone was considered to be a serving for one since no one bothered with individual slices of pizza. In those days, we did things differently out on the left coast.
Chithing Premium Member over 4 years ago
I think Rip will gladly make a sandwich for you. A fist sandwich, with extra knuckles. It’s called The Giggler.
Trotsky1917 over 4 years ago
Wondering what El Tornado carries in his utility belt. Hot sauce? Coins for the vending machine? Lemon-scented moist towellettes?
Dkram over 4 years ago
I thought I heard the faint sound of giggling.
Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 4 years ago
Ka-(happy smile)
tad1 over 4 years ago
tad1 over 4 years ago
Instead of pizza, how about a knuckle sandwich?!
Dragoncat over 4 years ago
Jenkins, your bottomless appetite is your greatest (only) superpower. Your the only one I know who could out-eat a super-saijan.
Soo5002 over 4 years ago
You know, maybe these losers who 86 the capes?