@ Lewreader, aww yes! But the best is yet to come.
First tricycles, then bicycles with cards licking on the spokes,
Then scooters, followed by motorcycles. But now we are back to three wheels. The CAN-AM.
Back in about 1963, when I was 18, I was riding my bicycle somewhere in Tucson and I didn’t spit it out fast enough and was stung on the inside of my lower lip. No fun!
codycab over 13 years ago
I wonder what would happen if it was a spider.
Llewellenbruce over 13 years ago
That’s one fly Garfield won’t be swatting.
EarlWash over 13 years ago
This time a fly, next time a wasp.
pcolli over 13 years ago
My German Shepherd swallowed a wasp. He was ill for a few days.
Good job spiders don’t fly!
lewisbower over 13 years ago
Ah, my younger motorcycle days.
Aline33 over 13 years ago
legaleagle48 over 13 years ago
Hence the old Spanish proverb, “En boca cerrada no entran moscas.” (“Flies do not enter a closed mouth.”)
momazilla over 13 years ago
Remember what happened to the old lady that swallowed a fly.
Woody157 over 13 years ago
@ Lewreader, aww yes! But the best is yet to come. First tricycles, then bicycles with cards licking on the spokes, Then scooters, followed by motorcycles. But now we are back to three wheels. The CAN-AM.
Happy Trails
W6BXQ, John over 13 years ago
Back in about 1963, when I was 18, I was riding my bicycle somewhere in Tucson and I didn’t spit it out fast enough and was stung on the inside of my lower lip. No fun!
freakmars over 13 years ago
(singing) I know an yellow dog who swallowed a fly. i don’t know why he swallowed a fly?
(garfield, singing) I guess he’s dumb
rgcviper over 13 years ago
Tastes like chicken!
(Sorry–couldn’t resist …)
mark63 over 13 years ago
Bit of protine never hurt any one except the old lady who had the munchies
frrykid Premium Member over 13 years ago
I actually have had flys fly up my nose a few different times. THAT is annoying!!!
garf+candh=gr8 over 13 years ago
Ωmega over 4 years ago
PEACE AND QUIET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!